News archive
05 November 2018
Opening of Uzbek-German Chair on International Agricultural Economics
October 30, the opening ceremony of a joint chair between Tashkent State Agrarian University (TDAU) and IAMO on international agricultural economics took place in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.The joint chair is established in the scope of the IAMO project “<link en research projects details ipres-1>A…
29 August 2018
Insurance experiments conducted in Kyrgyzstan
Long summer droughts and heat waves like this year are rare for Europe. In Central Asia, however, which was repeatedly confronted with such climate events over the last 10 to 15 years, they are a common phenomenon.
In scope of the project “Increasing…
24 August 2018
Policy Brief “Agriculture in times of drought: How digitalisation can support sustainable risk management” published
In view of the current drought period in Germany, IAMO published the IAMO Policy Brief 35 on “Agriculture in times of drought: How digitalisation can support sustainable risk management”. The current drought situation in Germany has become one of…
31 May 2018
Establishment of Insurance Laboratory in Uzbekistan
06 June 2018 - IAMO has supported the establishment of insurance laboratory (Insurance Lab) in Tashkent State Economic University (TSEU) in Uzbekistan. The Insurance Lab is established as cooperation between GROSS Insurance company and TSEU. IAMO is providing scientific and technical support. The…
12 April 2018
Workshop on global sharing of agricultural risk at IAMO
From 9 to 10 April 2018, scientists and practitioners met at the IAMO for a workshop on “Global sharing of agricultural risk: Stimulating the dialog and promoting cooperation between Central Asia and Germany”.
29 January 2018
IAMO delegation meets Uzbekistan's Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Water Resources
During the International Green Week 2018 in Berlin, Germany, IAMO scientists met with Otabek Mustafayev, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Water Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan to discuss current and future collaboration…