News archive
30 June 2020
Use of drones strengthens agriculture in dealing with climate change - tutorial video
Globally, April 2020 was (along April 2016), the warmest April on record. As in many other countries worldwide, another drought would considerably harm the agricultural sector, which already suffered heavy yield losses in the past years.
18 June 2020
Science to Business and Policy: KlimALEZ supports the launch of satellite-based index insurance for Mongolian wheat producers
In the scope of the project KlimALEZ, IAMO researchers have successfully supported the launch of Mongolia’s first index insurance product for wheat growers. Since 2017, the KlimALEZ team has been advising the Ministry of Agriculture and the insurance…
10 February 2020
KlimALEZ team meeting with Minister for Agriculture of Uzbekistan, Jamshid Khodjaev
On January 16, the Minister for Agriculture of Uzbekistan Jamshid Khodjaev met IAMO Director Prof. Thomas Glauben and his colleagues Dr. Ihtiyor Bobojonov and Dr. Lena Kuhn for a discussion in the Uzbek Embassy in Berlin. In the meeting, the Ministry…