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KlimALEZ project presented at UNFCCC COP 24

07 January 2019

In the scope of UN Climate Change conference in Katowice, IAMO scientist Laura Moritz presented the project KlimALEZ. This year’s UN Climate Conference took place in Katowice Poland December 2-14 as a Conference of the Parties (COP) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). In order to design a rulebook for realizing the Paris Agreement signed at Paris COP 21,  30,000 representatives from politics, civil society, science and industry from 200 countries attended the conference.
Several side events focused on climate policies, their implementation as well as on climate adaptions to contribute to a more climate-resilient future. In this context, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Institute for Biodiversity Network e.V. (ibn) introduced the project line “Client II – International Partnerships for sustainable innovations” under the framework program “Research for a Sustainable Development” (FONA) in the German pavilion. In the scope of this event, also the IAMO project “KlimALEZ – climate resilience via agricultural insurance. Innovation transfer for sustainable rural development in Central Asia” was presented.
The participation in the conference followed the goal of research contribution in the field of climate change and adaption strategies as well as the exchange between players working in the same niche. Laura Moritz concludes: “The presentations and discussions did not only show the high significance of climate adaption strategies in times of climate change but also the immense interest in our project associated with research on an innovative agricultural insurance as a risk management tool for farmers in drought prone areas”.