Outscaling pilot drought insurance – KlimALEZ Interim Workshop
24 June 2019
On June 17, the participants from research and business from Central Asia and Germany met for IAMO organized workshop at Tashkent State Economics University. During the event, partners reported on their recent activities and experiences in piloting index based insurance for agriculture. In the workshop, especially the highlights of the KlimALEZ project in the past project year were discussed. Especially, large farm household surveys, behavioral experiments with farmers, and the successful first-year pilot with actual sales to farmers were among those important activities presented by IAMO scientists. In the following, the German re-insurance and Central Asian insurance company representatives discussed upcoming activities, in particular the out-scaling of the pilot with an improved product and the updated launch of an online-platform for processed weather information for insured farmers. After the discussions, the participants also received a tour through the new established Insurance Lab at Tashkent State Economics University.